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It has been written that the quality of the bones determines the quality of the horse. Bones are dependent upon breeding and the quality of the feed. The quality of the feed is dependent upon the soil on which it is grown. The more fertile the soil the greater its contribution to the minerals contained in the forage.

In days gone by horses and other herbivores could roam to obtain the quality forage they required. This is obviously no longer the case. While we can attempt to provide the horse with all its nutritional needs through the use of feeds and supplements we have also taken something away from the character of the horse. If we can provide good quality soil in the pastures upon which they graze we can enable the horse to be more of a horse.

PJC Organic will work with you to develop a sustainable equine pasture management program and to assist you in the development of environmentally sound farm management plans.

Equine Pasture Management Services